These are the websites that featured the FukushimaVoice articles in regards to his detention.
These are the statements sent in from individuals in support of Professor Shimoji’s release.
December 14, 2012
Professor Shimoji is a brave and moral man who is worried about his students and future generations. It is imperative that he be supported in his quest to halt incineration of radioactive waste in Osaka and elsewhere in Japan as this will add to the misery, sickness and deaths that will be the Fukushima legacy.
Helen Caldicott
December 17, 2012
Incarceration and incineration - Not good solutions
Gary Headrick
Those of us living alongside the defective San Onofre nuclear reactors, like others in similar situations around the globe empathize with the people of Japan who are having to live through what is our own worst nightmare. They have been exposed to uncertain amounts of radiation since 3/11/11 and wait helplessly for real solutions to this on-going situation. During that time real concerns about radiation exposure from the contaminated environment haunt them every day. The threat continues to grow with the expectation of another large earthquake capable of toppling Unit 4 and creating a much worse situation. We are deeply disappointed and concerned that Japan would consider incineration as a possible solution to the problem when it will actually make things far worse in Japan and around the world. Equally bad is the policy to arrest those who are brave enough to question the risks involved in such an extremely reckless policy.
The rest of the world watches to see what example the Japanese people will provide in dealing with such disasters. While some slow progress is being made in the government and the nuclear industry accepting responsibility for causing the disaster, much more important progress must be made in the way these immense problems are resolved. We stand firmly with those who oppose nuclear power and who call for responsible leadership in this crisis. Please halt any more experimental incineration of radioactive waste and unjustified arrests of those who have reasonable concerns and want to find viable solutions.
It is true that we have our own weaknesses and reckless behavior with the nuclear industry in the United States, so our message is not meant to be judgmental. It is with compassion and concern as citizens of this planet that we help each other through these difficult times. Please recognize that the path you are on should be reversed and listen to your people instead of trying to hide the harmful truth from them and all of us. Together we can work towards real solutions and reinvent the broken political systems that allowed this avoidable disaster to happen in the first place. We can all do better, but the world is counting on Japan to do the right thing at this critical moment in history. Our future is tied to yours and we will continue to support the people of Japan who seek reasonable solutions to a complex and dangerous situation with our help, hope and compassion.
Gary Headrick
Co-founder of San Clemente Green (a group of more than 2000 concerned citizens)
December 18, 2012
My name is Brett Burnard Stokes and I live in South Australia where some of the Fukushima fuel uranium was mined.
I am a scientist and a graduate of Adelaide University, where Nuclear Advocacy Fraud is ongoing, with the University telling lies to promote uranium mining and nuclear energy and to provide alibis for those who make immoral decisions to mine and export uranium.
I write now in support of freeing Professor Shimoji, a man who has spoken out against the lies that are used as alibis to authorise the sacrifice of our children's lives.
One of those lies is that "dilution is the solution to pollution" which is totally not applicable to the well known dangers posed by radioactive poisons ingested into the bodies of mothers and children.
The incineration of radioactive waste is a crime against humanity.
The incineration of radioactive waste is a crime against the children of Japan.
Best wishes
Brett Stokes
Adelaide Applied Algebra
December 18, 2012
I support freeing Professor Shimoji.
Chiharu Takeda
December 26, 2012
My name is Aiko/Kazuko Kurosaki, I live in Austria since my childhood but originally I was born in Japan. I am an artist working in the field of dance, performance and choreographie. Since the nuclear disaster in fukushima happened I’ve done several works referring to that catastrophe - the biggest one was last August organising a dying-flashmob/performance inside the Vienna International Center (UNO-City) in front of the IAEA during the <genbaku no hi> ceremony as a silent protest against the reopening of the nuclear power plants in Japan and the abuse of nuclear power in general.
I´m shocked and very worried that in such democratic and highly developed country like Japan people like Mr. Shimoji can get arrested by the police. I thought in Japan there is freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.
Therefore I want to support the movement of freeing Mr. Shimoji.
Aiko/Kazuko Kurosaki (Aiko is my artistic name)
Kazuko Kurosaki